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Project Copyrights

Damasca: The Conflicted Kingdoms is copyright © 1999-2006 as the collective works of the Damasca Project contributors. All materials contained herein are the sole property of the Damasca Project itself, except where strictly stated otherwise. All names, situations, and persons described are strictly fictional. Any resemblance to real life persons or events is strictly coincidental.

NOTE: As of 2012, the rights to the Damasca Project are currently shared between administrators "Dart Zaidyer" and "Bowlich". Any queries pertaining to such rights must be directed toward one or both parties.

Submission Copyrights

We require any content submitted to Damasca to grant an exclusive, irrevocable, non-transferrable, royalty-free license to its usage (and any modification thereof) for as long as it remains part of the project. This is to ensure that if such content is eventually used in any form, be it as basis for new content or used in its raw form, it will become property of the Damasca Project and cannot be reposessed. This rule is necessary to avoid forced removal of content, which has occurred in past dealings with contributors. Only original content or content we can attain permission to use will be accepted for use in the project.

Therefore, when an author submits content, he or she agrees to a contract with the Damasca Project, as described in the above paragraph, which waives their right to withdraw the content at any time for any reason.

We thank you for your co-operation and understanding in this matter.